Filmed Reading: Standing in the Place of Stillness

This week we launch our sixth animated reading. The next five weeks of blog posts will draw from themes in this poem.  If you like the video, please share with others.


Standing in the Place of Stillness

I have been here before –

I remember the pasture

That beautiful expanse. Continue reading “Filmed Reading: Standing in the Place of Stillness”

Fear Wisely

These are the ones who rightly fear, not the truth of their position or circumstance thereof, but the One who is Sovereign and Ruler of all.

As a child, I had nightmares. I’d wake up in a cold sweat, paralyzed with fright. I eventually outgrew those terrors only to have them replaced by others. Such is the human condition, learning to deal with the reality of fear.  Continue reading “Fear Wisely”