The next several weeks of blogs will be based on our most recent animated reading, “Nothing Changes but Everything is Different.” Click here to see the full text and watch the video.
Nothing changes but everything is different.
The service was charged with excitement as the preacher man picked up the microphone and yelled, “God is good!” Then raising it towards the crowd, they all screamed back, “All the time!” Upon which the preacher repeated, “All the time!” And the crowd returned, “God is good!” Maybe you were in that crowd. Whether or not you’re prone to religious emotion, there’s something deeply theological happening in this scenario—the affirmation of God’s unbounded generosity. Yes, God is good . . . always and ever!
The Christian tradition professes a God of unlimited abundance who personally interacts with his created order—especially humanity. Even more, Christianity does not merely confess an abstract affirmation of God’s goodness but encourages belief in a God of miracles whose providence extends to our very own individual needs.
Yet, it is no secret that we live in an age quite allergic to notions of miracle and divine provision. At worst it is ridiculed and at best relegated to the realm of outdated superstition, magic, or illusion. However, Christian belief relentlessly affirms that God is more than able to supply our every need (Philippians 4:19). This has been the teaching and experience of the church for over 2,000 years.
Nevertheless, even though we know God isn’t bound by circumstances, we tend to interact with him as though he is. So, it’s one thing to intellectually admit belief in divine provision but another to actually know his plenitude for ourselves. Such a transition in our thinking usually doesn’t happen short of a crisis moment of faith. For here we’re often forced to remember our initial commitment of total surrender to Christ and where we currently stand in relation to that profession. Do we still really trust him?
While the challenges to a lifestyle of holy surrender are real, those who dare to embrace this call will soon learn it is well worth the effort. It is in this wild country of holy surrender where we discover the divine realm of God’s supernatural abundance. We’ll see how he can meet our needs without ever even having to change our circumstances. We’ll find how he can help us see victory and feel it in the core of our bones despite an onslaught from the hordes of hell. Yes, if we let him, he will cause us to see hope and drink of his peace even in the midst of great tragedy and suffering.
In this life of surrender we’ll never tire of amazement over God’s provision . . . especially when nothing changes but everything is different. For truly the harshest of circumstances can never limit God’s supply. Next week we talk more about discovering God’s abundance in our times of need.
What Do You Think?
In your current situation, what would authentic surrender to God look like?